Three Blind Participles (Active and Passive)
are adjectives, it’s simple!
Present and future active,
Perfect and future passive.
amāns… means loving
amātūrus –a –um… about to love
amātus –a –um… having been loved
amandus –a –um… to be loved
are adjectives, it’s simple!
Present and future active,
Perfect and future passive.
monēns… means warning
monitūrus –a –um… about to warn
monitus –a –um… having been warned
monendus –a –um… to be warned
are adjectives, it’s simple!
Present and future active,
Perfect and future passive.
legēns… means reading
lēctūrus –a –um… about to read
lēctus –a –um… having been read
legendus –a –um… to be read
are adjectives, it’s simple!
Present and future active,
Perfect and future passive.
capiēns… means taking
captūrus –a –um… about to take
captus –a –um… having been taken
capiendus –a –um… to be taken
are adjectives, it’s simple!
Present and future active,
Perfect and future passive.
audiēns… means hearing
audītūrus –a –um… about to hear
audītus –a –um… having been heard
audiendus –a –um… to be heard